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Friday, April 29, 2011

Follow That Gut!

So, I'm counting my blessings!  We haven't had any major problems with Caleb in his 2 years so far.  He does seem to get sick alot though - the common cold, flu, croup, strep throat and ear infections.

Caleb is generally happy - all the time.  He usually gets fussy when he's tired or hungry.  Typical baby woes!  The times that he's been sick he plays like normal, stops eating, more clingy and fussy at bedtime.  The more dominant characteristic is the no eating which freaks me out cause my children are already small. 

So with these little signs, I've been the parent who calls the doctor for EVERYTHING just to make sure there's nothing major going on.  Every visit, but one, was something that needed to be checked out.  The doctor encouraged me this week to STOP worrying about what other parents are doing with their sick children and follow my gut!  So glad that I've been right most of the time!

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